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The largest community of IT consultants in Quebec

With experts covering all areas of the technology sector.

The Association québécoise des informaticiennes et informaticiens indépendants (AQIII), represents the voice of self-employed workers, freelancers and micro-entrepreneurs in information technology in Quebec.

Why become a member?

Post your independent consultant profile on our site in the ‘Find a consultant‘, section and improve your visibility.

AQIII members have access to a virtual mentorship to assist them and answer their questions about self-employed consultant status.

AQIII members benefit from exclusive discounts on events and training courses organised by the association and the ecosystem.

Overview of available mandates

Become a member to view details of posted mandates.

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Our events

Every year, the AQIII offers events for its members and their independent businesses, in Montreal, Quebec City and online.
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Our major partners


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