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Stéphan Richer

Stéphan Richer, Oracle DBA
(No expertises selected)
Availability date
(No regions selected)

Mr. Richer has held the position of certified Oracle trainer, senior database administrator, Web portal administrator and analyst/programmer for many contracts at numerous companies.

He has great analysis skills and is able to propose excellent solutions for optimizing and securing the databases, which brought him great recognition in major societies.

• Web Server and Database migrations (Internet Application Server) with all the tasks that it involves. Design of coordination strategies for training and support in various

environments as well as the government highly controlled environment

• Deployment of Management and surveillance tools for the analysis of databases on different versions

• Graphical and text based application development for the evolution and follow up on systems

• Help desk set up in order to “debug” or fix various problems related to databases

(No expertises selected)

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Stéphan Richer

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