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François Gibeault

Management and IT Strategy Consultant
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M. Gibeault is an experienced manager with over 26 years of experience with IT firms. This experience has been acquired at various levels of management within strategic projects. He has considerable project, solutions and systems integration experience.

As a CIO and Regional General Manager, he demonstrated his abilities to manage and plan at a strategic level by deploying an international ticketing network (project requiring more than 10K people-days of effort over an 18 month schedule). At the same time, he built an operations infrastructure to deliver and deploy this network. Also, he defined a strategic plan for the consolidation of 5 products from 2 firms and therefore reduced the investment required to maintain and further develop these products. His team was distributed across 3 cities (Montreal, Paris and Milan).

M. Gibeault also was involved with the Strategic Orientation and Architecture Service within the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services. His deliverables include a Business Case and Preliminary Analysis for the province's cancer screening programs, a status of the Quebec Health and Social Services Network systems (publicly owned) at Sogique, and a 15-year vision of the public health IT network.

Also, he was involved for over 3 years, at various management and technical levels, with the Quebec province-wide EHR project. He wrote a major part of the winning proposal. He then went on to be the Deputy Project Manager of this 110M$ project where he setup the project management system to manage the various sub-projects and suppliers. He also participated in the negotiations of the detailed contract.

His experience has enabled him to understand the complex worlds of various industries such as banking, fiduciary, heavy industry and mining, aeronautical, telecommunications, entertainment, and the military.

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François Gibeault

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