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Said Boulisfane

Solutions/functionnal/Data Architect, BI Specialist, Full Stack conceptor
(No expertises selected)
Availability date
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With over 20 years of experience, I operate on large-scale projects involving issues related to the formalization of customer needs, process analysis, modeling, functional design, data architecture, prototyping solutions developed specific, testing, product validation and verification of the regularity of services.

I can also help in the preparation of technical proposals, the organization of the project "structure", planning and sequencing of activities and resources. A brief overview of my expertise:

Direction of development projects over 10,000 man / day

Technical director and chief research and development department at a large software company

Driving development teams and Technology Evolution Monitoring of an ERP system

Control solutions in various business areas: insurance, management of textile production / clothing, customer management and retention, local governance and citizen services, production and distribution of water, energy production and distribution, risk management environmental protection and water resources, etc..

Author patent on using the specification, the formalization of requirements and the automatic generation of solutions

Trainer agile methodologies, RAD approach, design tools and Oracle development

(No expertises selected)

To contact the consultant :


Said Boulisfane

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