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Stéphane Vallée

Be part of your success by building a win-win and long term relationship.
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Holding a French engineering diploma in industrial computing sciences (equivalent to a master), Mr Stephane Vallee has worked for almost two decades in the IT sector.

During the last nine years, his technical depth as well as the sound decisions he made, led him to be more and more involved in the architecture of the projects he was participating in.

Either in startups where he assumed roles of application architect and team lead, or in more established companies like Yellow Pages Group where he created the whole architecture of an innovative e-commerce platform, or even in Desjardins Federation where his broad knowledge of the IT field helped him in the legacy system architecture overhaul, Mr Stephane Vallee has always shown great enthusiasm and skills to solve the most important challenges: yours!

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Stéphane Vallée

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