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Michel Hebert

Data architecture and governance consultant
(No expertises selected)
Availability date
Montreal, Quebec - South Shore

I have more than 40 years of experiences in software development for businesses. I have been involved at all levels, from programming to management and from application design to business and process refactoring. I have experiences in many industries, including engineering (maintenance and inventory), human resources, sales and marketing, health care, banking and finances, etc.

I completed in 2016, with honors, my Master degree in Software Engineering (maîtrise en génie logiciel) at Sherbrooke University.

Over the year, I specialized in data management for transactional and business intelligence applications: conceptual, logical and physical data modeling, reverse data engineering and data governance. I can also design application architecture and integration solutions.

I received the CDMP certification (Master level) from DAMA.

(No expertises selected)

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Michel Hebert

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