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Frédéric Chiasson

Full-stack web developer PHP/JS, Teacher and Strategist
Analyst / Advisor, Architect, Programmer / Developer
Availability date
laravel vue.js php javascript scrum agile consultant TDD
Estrie, Montreal, Other - Telework

Full-stack web developer (frontend/backend), following Clean Code principles and Test Driven Development (TDD). Laravel (PHP) and Vue.js (Javascript) specialist and experienced with Angular and React (Javascript).

Teacher for programming and teamwork.

Analyst for code base, IT stack and teamwork.


Analyst / Advisor (5 years of experience)

Specialization: Programmer Analyst, Implementation Consultant, Methodology Consultant, Strategic Consultant

Architect (5 years of experience)

Specialization: Application Architect, Information Systems Architect

Programmer / Developer (20 years of experience)

Specialization: Programmer / Developer

To contact the consultant :

Frédéric Chiasson

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