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Christophe Furet

Senior project manager
(No expertises selected)
Availability date
(No regions selected)

I am a Senior Project Manager with a solid track record and references in both Waterfall and Agile projects, and often combined approaches. I am the recipient of a Phd in AI and Human Computer Interaction. As a one of the founders, I have been fully involved in Nu Echo for the past few decades, and more recently, have been working as a freelance consultant. I have contributed to many challenging projects, including speech applications, contact center solutions and Master Data Management (MDM) for large enterprises such as Desjardins, National Bank, Hydro-Quebec, Videotron, Revenu Quebec, the Federal Government...

As a project manager, I distinguish myself by my excellent technical and technological understanding and background. My experience as SME founder gives me solid experiences in strategy, finance and management, with a constant concern for all aspects related to methods and tools. I am a team player, I trust my team. I am optimistic and win-win solutions oriented.

Detailed resume and references on demand.

(No expertises selected)

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Christophe Furet

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