Posted on November 13, 2024

Financial planning

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Diversico Finances humaines

Transparent, objective and independent financial advice (TOI).You now have access to an intervention model that is unique in the financial services industry and that separates “products” from “advice”.

Your priorities, vision and needs are at the heart of the process. To ensure the success of the approach and the achievement of your objectives, we have built a rigorous monitoring system to implement and especially review strategies as your business and personal life evolve. 

It is through our annual coaching packages that we deliver our outstanding value promise to you. Diversico Finances humaines is a partner of Assurance Invalidité Jean Duranleau Inc., which has been providing financial services to AQIII members for over 20 years.  

Exclusive offer for AQIII members:

  • A free comprehensive Financial Needs Analysis (FNA)

Contact :

Rémi Vermette, Financial Security Advisor 450 904-4755, poste 206

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